How to fix “Not found (404)” in Google Search Console?

Greetings, digital adventurers! 🌌

The vast landscape of the online world is both exhilarating and, occasionally, filled with challenges that might leave us a tad puzzled. Among these, the “Not found (404)” error in Google Search Console is one that many webmasters and site owners encounter. If this error has made its appearance on your dashboard, worry not! We’re here to illuminate this topic and guide you towards a solution.

Before we commence, here’s a quick reminder: Whenever the digital pathways seem daunting, Watsspace is your guiding beacon. With our expertise and free consultations, you can always navigate your way towards digital success.

What does “Not found (404)” mean?

A 404 error signifies that a page on your website was not found on the server. This means that while the page might have existed in the past, it’s no longer available, and the server responds accordingly.

The Importance of Resolving 404 Errors:

  1. SEO Concerns: Persistent 404 errors can impact crawl budget, leading search engines to spend less time indexing the valuable parts of your site.
  2. User Experience: Users who land on 404 pages might become frustrated, which could increase bounce rates.
  3. Preserving Link Equity: If external sources link to a page that now returns a 404, the SEO benefits from those links might be wasted.

Steps to Address “Not found (404)” Issues:

  1. Identify the Affected URLs: Head over to Google Search Console and navigate to the ‘Coverage’ tab to find the “Not found (404)” error. This will give you a list of pages that are currently returning this error.
  2. Assess Each 404 Page: Decide if the content should exist or if it’s genuinely meant to be removed:
    • For Valid Content: Restore the page if it was mistakenly deleted. If the content has been moved, ensure the old URL redirects (using a 301 redirect) to the new one.
    • For Pages Meant to be Removed: Confirm the 404 status. If the page had valuable backlinks or traffic, consider redirecting it to a related page.
  3. Update Internal & External Links: Make sure no links within your site point to the 404 pages. If you identify external links pointing to a 404 page, reach out to the respective webmasters and request them to update the link.
  4. Re-submit to Google: With the necessary changes in place, go back to Google Search Console. Use the ‘URL Inspection’ tool to review the status of your pages and then request re-indexing.

Navigating halfway, and if the path seems a bit intricate, just remember: Watsspace is always here to help. Our free consultations offer guidance and expertise to simplify even the most complex digital challenges.

Future-proofing against 404 Errors:

  1. Routine Monitoring: Regularly check Google Search Console for any new 404 alerts.
  2. Implementing Proper Redirects: When deleting or moving pages, always ensure you’ve set up appropriate redirects.
  3. Use a Custom 404 Page: Create a user-friendly 404 page that guides users back to other valuable areas of your website, enhancing user experience.

In conclusion, while the “Not found (404)” error might seem daunting initially, with the right steps and strategies, it’s easily manageable. Addressing this error promptly ensures a seamless user experience, optimized SEO benefits, and a healthy rapport with search engines.

No matter where you are in your digital journey, whether you’re just setting sail or you’re a seasoned navigator, Watsspace is here to guide, assist, and ensure your course is always set towards success.

Forge ahead with confidence, continue your digital exploration, and always remember: with Watsspace by your side, every challenge is just another opportunity for growth! 🌟🚀

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